
Food in Community enjoys an abundance of goodwill from the community, which we are immensely grateful for, but demand for our services have mushroomed beyond anything we could have anticipated, in a Devon where one in four families now struggle to afford food, and cases of malnourishment are rising.

In the current environment we are increasingly reliant on donations to Food in Community help to keep more than a million portions annually of nutritious produce flowing from the fields to the people who need it most in the most dignified way. A financial donation, however small, goes much further than if you put a can into the collection basket at the supermarket. A donation of just one pound can unlock produce with a retail value of over a fiver and also helps rescue good food, which is usually organic and often locally grown, from being wasted. Because of the sometimes short time scale between picking and eating, gleaned produce is often fresher and more nutritious than anything you can find in the shops, an especially vital consideration when so many experiencing financial difficulties today are also living with serious health issues.

Cash donations also contribute to humdrum but vital stuff such as food, transport, insurance, rent, maintenance and repairs, training, web hosting, etc. Yes we bulk purchase local produce where we can afford it, from ethical businesses who employ people locally and support wildlife friendly agriculture. Some are B Corps, many are certified organic by the Soil Association. The load is shared by other community minded grant funders. Please contact us if you would like Food in Community’s bank details to make a bank transfer, or to set up a regular donation. You can also visit our Peoples Fundraising page or donate by card or cash at our events. Thank you!

The circular economy is built into the DNA of Food in Community and we love reciprocity! If you have something else to offer, please get in touch via our Contact Form