We are able to bestow some food bags upon our most vulnerable families, to take home when the need is greatest – their thankfulness for this is always humbling.
Deborah, Pre School Manager
The weekly donation often contains vegetables or fruit that we would not be able to afford to buy, or sometimes even think about buying, which enables us to introduce children to a vast variety of fruit and vegetables they may never otherwise get the opportunity to try.
Roisin, Primary School Kitchen Manager
Not only does Food in Community tackle and draw attention to the issue of wasting perfectly good food, it also serves the vitally important purpose of bringing people together. Overheard snippets of conversation reveal that the lunches provide a natural platform for the discussion of issues and politics – both nationally and locally – as well as the sharing of information about other community events.
Volunteer musician
Food in Community were very open and friendly to me and took me immediately as a team member.
Café volunteer
Of greatest value to everyone, seemed the increased level of social confidence, the new friendships and the great sense of achievement. On a personal level, I felt very moved by the sense of satisfaction in the group as they presented a meal, of their own design, to family members and organisers on the last day of the course. Bon appétit.
Mental health charity worker and Mood Food cooking course participant
I wanted to say a big thank you for supplying the veg boxes for my cooking project at St John’s this past term. Not only did we get to use lovely organic veg it gave a real structure and purpose to the club.
Anna, Primary school cookery club tutor
After the last cooking session, I enjoyed the curry so much, I made it again at home. I made enough to eat today and two more portions for the freezer for days when I’m not up to cooking.
D, Participant, Cooking for older men